Application Due Date: Saturday, December 30, 2024
Our Direction and Purpose Include To:
The mission of the Jefferson County Agribusiness Club is to promote an active interest in agribusiness and be a resource to help take Jefferson County into the future.
Our direction and purpose include to:
- Promote an active interest in the community
- Unify and strengthen agricultural business in the community
- Establish beneficial producer-consumer relationships
- Provide a place for members to freely express themselves on the ideas and challenges in the agribusiness field
- Enable members to speak with a common voice on matters pertaining to the agricultural business world.
The Jefferson County Agribusiness Club members worked hard over prior years fundraising through our annual cheese sales and our food booth at the Jefferson County Fair. We are pleased that this fundraising will lead to grants being awarded in February of 2025.
Application Submission

Return completed application to: [email protected]
(Strongly preferred).
Grant applications will also be accepted via U.S. mail, postmarked by December 30, 2024.
Mail to:
Jefferson County Agri-Business Club
P.O. Box 64
Jefferson, WI 53549.
Grant Guidelines

The project proposed should contribute to the educational, agricultural promotion, or community service missions of both the Jefferson County Agribusiness Club and the organization applying for the grant.
The project should be either a new endeavor or one that enhances an existing program of your organization. The grant request can be for full funding of a smaller project, for specific items needed to fulfill your organization’s mission, or partial funding of a larger project.
The monetary value of each grant awarded will depend on the number and merit of the proposals received, but the expected range will be $200-$1000. Grants will be awarded in two increments, with the first being given by the start-of-project date indicated on the grant application form and the remaining balance awarded after all grant requirements have been fulfilled.
1. All accepted grant applicant organizations are required to have 1-3 representatives attend and present their grant proposal at the January 21, 2025 Agri-Business Club meeting at Fairview Sports Bar, 711 W. Racine St., Jefferson. Social begins at 6 pm with a meal at 6:30. Grant applicants will be notified following the February 18, 2025 Agribusiness Club meeting with the club’s decision to award the grant or not.
2. All organizations awarded a Grant will be required to volunteer at the Jefferson County Fair Agribusiness Club Food Stand or at another qualifying Jefferson County Agribusiness Club event. The Jefferson County Fair will be held July 9-13, 2025 at the Jefferson County Fair Park. A minimum of one (1) volunteer for one 5-hour shift is required for every $250 granted. We will gladly welcome additional volunteers and/or shifts beyond this minimum.
3. Grant projects must be completed within thirteen (13) months of being awarded. Upon completion of its project, each organization is required to provide a brief written summary of what you accomplished and how it matched your proposal. Include pictures, if appropriate. Send to [email protected].
NOTE: If an organization needs an extension beyond 13 months OR if the scope of the project changes after the grant has been awarded, a representative of the organization may come explain the situation before the Agribusiness Club and ask for an extension or change in scope of the project. The Agribusiness Club will take it up at the meeting and vote on it.
The first half of the grant will be paid to you by the start date that you indicate on your application. Upon completion of Requirements 2 and 3 above, the organization will receive the remaining half of its grant money.
NOTE: An organization may choose to wait to receive its full grant money until completion of its project.
Agricultural Grants Awarded
The Jefferson County Agri-Business Club has awarded three grants to local agricultural organizations. The funds were generated from the club’s county fair food stand and the holiday cheese and meat sale.
This year the recipients are the Jefferson County 4-H Dairy Committee, Lake Mills FFA, and the Wisconsin Make It With Wool program.
The Jefferson County Agri-Business Club celebrated its 50th anniversary last year. The mission of the club is to promote an active interest in agribusiness and be a resource to take us into the future. The goal is to promote the agribusiness community to the local and state population. This is accomplished through education, media, visits to local agribusinesses, fundraisers utilizing agricultural products, offering scholarships toward ag careers, and offering funds to organizations that promote the ag community.

Jefferson County 4-H Dairy Committee
The Dairy Committee has several projects it supports throughout the year, like funding dairy judging teams, quiz bowl teams, and awards at the county fair. However, their grant is for a two-day event, Project Learning Days, which is held at the fairgrounds to introduce young members to the dairy project. Presentations includes selecting a project calf, feeding, grooming, leading, and so forth. Last year, 50 youth from six different counties participated and they are wanting to increase the attendance this year.

Lake Mills FFA
Lake Mills FFA initiated a summer agriculture literacy program last year. Elementary school students participating in the Summer School Program (2nd to 8th grade) are treated to presentations by the Lake Mills FFA students about agriculture, and includes live animals and the greenhouse on campus. There are also hands-on activities for the young people to learn more about where their food comes from. The grant will cover display boards, activity supplies, and any needed transportation.

Make It With Wool Program
The Wisconsin Make It With Wool Program uses the funds to provide supplies to contestants who enter the contest by making clothing and accessories from wool. The event is held at the Sheep and Wool Festival in September. The winner of the contest then advances to the national contest, where the remainder of the grant money will be used to cover travel and competition expenses.